Wednesday, January 13, 2010


1. Six norms of the ASEAN Way :

- Sovereign Equality,
- Non-Recourse to the Use of Force,
- Peaceful Setlement of Conflict,
- Non-Interference & Non-Intervention,
- Non-Involment of ASEAN to address unresolved bilateral conflict between members,
- Quite Diplomacy,
- Mutual Respect & Tolerance

2. The notion of Security is closely allied to the consept of “ Trust “ and has been conceived of as process of identity building.

3. The first focuses on the ASEAN Way as an intramural approach to dispute management and confidence building.

4. Various ASEAN Delcarations & Communiques stressing the virtue of :

- Self-Restraint,
- Adoption of the practices of consultation & consensus=musyawarah+mufakat,
- Using third party mediation to settled disputes,
- Agreeing to disagree while shelving the settlement of conflicts.
- Non-Use of Force,
- Pacific Settlement of Disputes,
- Regional Autonomy,
- Collective Self-Reliance,
- Non-Interference,
- Rejection of an ASEAN military pact, in favour of bilateral defense co-operation.

5. ASEAN way is thus seen to imply the avoidance of both institutional over centralization and voluntary relinquishment of sovereign decision making. Basic Character of ASEAN as a cooperative, consultative but not supra-national organization.

6. Principle of non-interference should be :

- Refraining from criticizing the actions of a member gov towards its own people including violation of HAM,
- Criticizing the actions of stes which were deemed to have breached the non-interference principle,
- Denying recognition, sanctuary or ather forms of support to any rebel group seeking to destabilize or overthrow the gov of a neighbouring state,
- Providing political support & material assistance to member states in their campaign against subversive & destabilizing activities.

7. The norm of non-interference is at the core of the principle of restraint. This is lead to a Behavioural Pattern of “ no public challenges, comments or criticism of other regimes’s legitimacy, domestic systems, conduct, policies or style. The principle of respect aims to ensure that ASEAN states do not fail to consult on issues important or of interest to other members. By the principle of responsibility means that ASEAN countries make a conscious effort to consider the interest and sensitivities of their neighbour.

8. We respect each other’s sovereignty and independence and do not interfere in each other’s internal affairs. We treat each other as equals. Decisions are taken only when all are comfortable with them. Close consultation precede these decision. Consensus is the rule. We made every effort to ensure that no party feels hurt in an argument or discussion. This doen’t mean that wo do not have disagreement. We often do, but we do not as a rule, air them in public. We can disagree strongly and yet at the end of the day, play golf together, eat durian or do the karaoke.

9. ASEAN’s diplomatic & security culture comprises six core norms :

- Sovereign equality,
- Non-recourse to the use of force and the peaceful settlement of conflict,
- Non-interference and non-intervention,
- Non-involment of ASEAN to address unresolved bilateral conflict between members,
- Quite diplomacy,
- Mutual respect & tolerance

10. The norm of non-interference is charged as being responsible among other thing for ASEAN countries failure to design an appropriate response to the economic crisis in Thailand in 1997, the smog-haze. The critic is straightforward : “ Either interference becomes legitimate or the association will become increasingly meaningless “.

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